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Now that you are logged in, you can proceed with swaping $ALGOs to $USDC from your account. In the main page you can either click Deposit funds, or you can click My account and then deposit funds
After that you will be transfered in a second screen, where you can see all the available ways to topup your account and you click swap ALGO to USDC
In the next screen you can see the available ALGOs you have in your Venue.One wallet and the public address of the wallet
Next step is to send $ALGO from any wallet, DEX or DeFi to the wallet address of your Venue.One account, select the amount of $ALGO you want to swap and click Swap ALGO to USDC
When you click swap ALGO to USDC a pop up window will appear, with all the summary of your transaction
When the transaction is proccessed successfully then you will get the following message
Now you are ready to take your position!